To hinder, detain, keep back, hold up, impede, prevent, restrain. Ulangá siá sang sugilánon, agúd índì siá makalakát. Prevent him from going away by keeping-up a conversation with him,-him in conversation. Ginuláng kamí sang bahâ. We were held up by the flood. (see pugúng, sagáng, puút, tápnà, etc.).
To hinder, detain, keep back, hold up, impede, prevent, restrain. Ulangá siá sang sugilánon, agúd índì siá makalakát. Prevent him from going away by keeping-up a conversation with him,-him in conversation. Ginuláng kamí sang bahâ. We were held up by the flood. (see pugúng, sagáng, puút, tápnà, etc.).
To twist, thread, string together. Inúlang nga bunáng. Several strands of yarn twisted together.
To twist, thread, string together. Inúlang nga bunáng. Several strands of yarn twisted together.
Band, belt, particularly a transmission belt used in machinery. Ulás sang galingán. The transmision belt of a mill.
Band, belt, particularly a transmission belt used in machinery. Ulás sang galingán. The transmision belt of a mill.
To risk, venture, hazard, act or speak with some diffidence as to the outcome.
To risk, venture, hazard, act or speak with some diffidence as to the outcome.
To take-, carry-, along with, do at the same time, combine, unite, join with. Iuláyhon mo akó sang ákon maléta kon magpaúlì ikáw. Kindly take along my handbag, when you go home. Kon magdalá ka sinâ dídto ulayhonón mo pagdalá siníng mga ságing. When you take that over there take with you also these bananas. Naguláyhon lang silá dáyon pagpamiésta. At the same time they also assisted at the Feast. (see sagibín).
To take-, carry-, along with, do at the same time, combine, unite, join with. Iuláyhon mo akó sang ákon maléta kon magpaúlì ikáw. Kindly take along my handbag, when you go home. Kon magdalá ka sinâ dídto ulayhonón mo pagdalá siníng mga ságing. When you take that over there take with you also these bananas. Naguláyhon lang silá dáyon pagpamiésta. At the same time they also assisted at the Feast. (see sagibín).
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