A slash, gash, cut, rent, wide hole; to slash, gash, tear or rip open. Sín-o ang nagwáwha sang ákon báyò? Who tore my jacket? Binunô siá; nawáwha ang íya kílid kag bumúgway (nagbúgway) ang íya tinái. He was stabbed; his side was ripped open and his bowels protruded. (see wángwang, bábha, gísì, gíhay, etc.).
Contr. of waáy, wa'áy equivalent to walâ sing. Wáy kapuslánan inâ. That is of no use. That is no good. Wáy sáyod inâ. That's nonsense.
An open plain, extensive grounds, level fields in a broad valley, or the like.
To fall or hang down, as long hair, etc. (see wálwal, káway, kabítkábit, etc.).
One who quits, or has quit, work, a striker.
To fall or drop down unnoticed, fall out of a pocket, etc., get lost; to lose, drop, let fall down, throw away. Nawigítan siá sang íya kolíntas sa simbáhan. She dropped her rosary-beads in church without noticing it. Kay sín-o balá ang pányò nga nawígit dirí? Whose is the handkerchief that has been dropped here. Ginwígit sang babáye ang pányò nga íya kináwat sang pagkakítà níya nga nagapadúlong sa íya ang tagíya. The woman dropped the stolen handkerchief, when she noticed that the owner was approaching her. Andamán mo gid ang ímo kolíntas kag pulséras, agúd dílì ka sinâ mawigítan (agúd índì mawígit). Be very careful with your necklace and bracelet or you may lose them (or they may be lost). (see dúlà, wasí).
Pouting, curled, distorted, twisted, shaped in the form of a grimace, said of the mouth, the lips, or the like. (see wíit).
To wry or distort the mouth, curl the lips, pout, make (pull) a face or grimace. (see kiwî).
The corners of the mouth. (see wiwián).
Entertainment, amusement, distraction; to entertain, amuse, distract; to like, be pleased or delighted with, have a liking or predilection for, take delight in. Ginawíli níya silá sang sugilánon, sang musiká, etc. He entertains them with conversation, with a concert (music), etc. Ginakawilíhan ko gid ang pagtán-aw sang prosesyón. I very much like to see the procession. Ngáa nga nagakawíli ka dídto? Why have you such a liking for that place there? Why do you like to be there? Wilíha ang mga dumulúaw sang kánta. Amuse (distract, entertain) the visitors with some songs (singing). (see lúyag, bangá, lingáw).
See wílwig id.
Gibberish, rapid or gabbling talk, babble, jabber, unmeaning words, nonsensical talk; to gibber, gabble, babble, jabber, prattle, prate, mumble, murmur, growl, to utter, say or speak (indistinctly). Butíg gid lang ang íya nga ginawiríwirí. What he babbles (says) is a lie. Maálam siá magwiríwirí sang latín. He knows to gibber (a few words of) Latin.
From wisík-to sprinkle, etc.
A small tuft or lock (as of hair, etc.). Isá ka wíswis nga bohók. A lock of hair.
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