(B) To move, etc. See wálas.
To lie about in confusion or disorder. See wás-ag, barásag.
See bálik, balík-bálik-to return, go or come back, return again and again.
(B) See wálas-to wriggle, writhe, etc.
To scatter, spread; to undo, unmake, demolish, destroy, break in pieces; to disintegrate, fall out or off and spread in all directions, as grain escaping through a hole in a sack, or the like. Ginwás-ag sang hángin ang mga dáhon nga layâ sang káhoy. The wind scattered the dead (dry) leaves of the tree. Kon itók-ap mo ang sáko ang íya sulúd inawás-ag. If you shake the sack its contents will fall out. (see wágwag, busáag, lápta, aláplag, sábud, gubâ, ránggà, etc.)
Hatchet, axe; to use or apply-, cut down or fell with-, an axe or hatchet. Wasáya ang káhoy. Use an axe for the tree. Fell the tree with an axe. (see pulúd).
To crumble to pieces, demolish, wreck, shatter, fall down in a heap, collapse (of buildings in an earthquake, etc.); to fall, drop (as fruit from a tree, etc.). Ginwásdak sang línog ang ámon baláy. Our house was shattered (ruined, destroyed) by the earthquake. Hinápit sang líntì ang íya sululátan kag nawásdak (nagkawásdak) ang íya hulút. Lightning struck his office and wrecked his room. (see busáag, wás-ag, gubâ, láglag, ránggà).
To lose, drop (something inadvertently); to disappear, get lost, fall down (out). Usisáa sing maáyo ang pinutús mo, kay básì nawasí ang kahón nga tabákò. Examine your parcel well, for maybe the box of cigars has been lost. Amligí ang sensílyo, agúd dílì mawasí ang ibán. Take good care of the change (coins), so that none may be lost. (see wígit, dúlà, dágdag).
Part, partition, division, panel (of binalántak-work).
To strike backwards with a stick, a whip, etc.; to throw or push back, turn back. Ginwaslikán akó níya sang íya látigo. He struck back at me with his whip. Iwáslik sa idô ang bastón. Strike the dog behind you with your stick. Waslikí siá sing lúnang (lalaó). Throw some mud at him from behind. (see wáklì, walís, wáhig, lábtik).
Separate from others, spaced, spread out, not joined-, not close-, to others. See atákaták, putáputá.
See wáwaw,-to bark, yelp, etc.
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