Línggon mo siá. Look upon him. See lingíg.
(H) Immature, green, unripe, tender, minor. Línghod pa ang mga páhò. The mangoes are still green, are not yet ripe. Nalinghorán akó sináng mga búnga. Those fruits seem to me to be green, to be unripe. Línghod pa siá sing panuigón. He is still of tender years, is young yet. (see mánghud).
Dim. and Freq. of lingî. Indì ka gánì maglingîlíngì sinâ nga táo, kay maláut sing batásan. Don't even look at that man, because he is a bad character. Ginpalingîlíngì sang ilóy ang íya nga bátà sang halúk. The mother showered kisses on her baby turning it this way and that.
To look towards, set one's eyes upon. Ilingíg mo sa ákon ang ímong mga matá nga malolóy-on-or-língga akó sang ímong mga matá nga malolóy-on. Turn your merciful eyes upon me. Língga akó. Look at me or towards me. Walâ gid paglíngga siníng bugalón nga manggaránon ang makaloló-oy nga nagapakilímos. This rich fellow did not even deign to bestow a glance on the miserable beggar, did not so much as glance at him. (see lingî, tamúd, balikíd).
To worry, confuse, be upset, etc. Nagalíngin ang íya úlo. He is upset. His head is all of a whirl. Nagalíngin ang íla úlo, kay walâ magabút ang sakayán. Their mind is upset or they are worried, because the boat has not arrived. Palíngna (palingína) ang íya úlo. Perplex him. Cause him some worry. Worry him. (see lingín).
Dim. and Freq. of língin and lingín. Also: idiotic, crazy, fool, simpleton.
To borrow, get on credit, raise money, run into debt. Maglíngit ka lang ánay sing tátlo ka gántang nga bugás sa kay Fuláno. Just borrow for the present three gantas of hulled rice from N.N. Língta (lingíta) ang íya kwárta. Borrow his money. Palingíta (palíngta) akó sing isá ka sáko nga maís. Lend me a sack of corn. Walâ akó makalíngit sang íya salákyan, kay ginhinakáyan ni Fuláno. I could not borrow his car or vehicle, for it had been hired by N.N. Pinalíngit man níya akó kuntánì sing kwárta, ápang sa karón balasúbas siá. He would have granted me a loan of money, but at present he is out of cash. (see hulám, útang).
To shake, move to and fro or up and down, jolt, jog, budge, move. Indì siá malíngkang sa íya tinindúgan. He cannot be moved from his position. Lingkangá gid siá. Move him at all costs. Ilíngkang ko iníng bára sa dakû nga bató. I shall try to move the large stone with this crow-bar. (see ínghit, ínkà).
Dim. and Freq. of língkang. Ang káro nagalingkánglíngkang. The cart is shaking, jolting. (see limpálímpa, etc.).
(H) To sit, sit down, be seated, seat oneself, take a seat. Língkod ka. Be seated. Take a seat. Lingkodí (-orí) ang síya, dílì ang bángkò. Sit down on the chair, not on the bench. Ang mga nagalilíngkod nagtilíndog sa paghátag sing katahurán sa pangúlo-bánwa. Those that were seated rose to their feet to pay their respects to the Municipal President. Walâ siá magpalíngkod sa ákon. He did not offer me a seat. He did not permit me to sit down. (see púngkò).
(B) Seat, chair, stool, settle, dais, throne, anything used to be sat upon. (see língkod).
(H) See lingkódan, lilingkóran, pulungkóan. Nagapúngkò siá sa íya hinariánon nga lingkóran. He sits in his royal throne.
To peep or squint through a hole, observe secretly through any small aperture. Anó ang ginalíngling mo dirâ? What are you peeping through that hole for? Indì ka maglíngling. Don't peep through holes. Linglingá silá kon anó ang íla ginabúhat dirâ. Watch them through a chink or hole to see what they are doing there. Ginlíngling níya silá nga nagailísip sang pílak. He watched them secretly as they counted the money. Ang kinitáan sang tápì amó ang ginalinglingán níya sa ilá. He peered or peeped at them through the board-seam. (see bántay, panílag).
From língin.
Turn one's eyes upon, look sideways, glance aside, etc. See lingî, lingíg.
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