(B) Quiet, calm, windless, wind-free, not exposed to the wind. Pahigdaá ang masakít sa isá ka hulút nga límbong (malímbong). Let the sick person lie down in a quiet room, in a room sheltered from the wind.
Fraud, imposture, cheating, swindle; to cheat, defraud, impose upon, bilk, diddle, do, take in, swindle, commit a fraud, appropriate fraudulently. Indì ka maglímbong kag índì ka magpalímbong. Don't cheat and don't allow yourself to be cheated. Linimbongán akó níya sing tátlo ka písos. He defrauded me of three pesos. Sa limá ka mángmang ilímbong mo sa íya ang tátlo. Of the five pesos keep back three yourself (and give him only two-or-defraud him of three pesos out of five). (see dáyà, agóng, lág-it, palítog, káwtì, káwat, tíkas, tákaw, likúm, lílong, tágò).
(B) To speak, voice, give utterance to. Walâ na silá paglimgánay, pagkalimgánay-or-pagkalimogáy. They are no longer on speaking terms.
(H) To injure, spoil, harm, cause damage to. Andamán mo ang lanahón, agúd índì malimógan. Take good care of the coconut-meat from which coconut-oil is to be extracted, so that it may not be spoilt. Ang amó nga mga pagbaísbáis nagalímog sang pagtoloóhan. Such disputes are injurious to faith. (see dáut, láut, hálit).
A wild pigeon. See alimókon.
To treat harshly, unjustly or oppressively, to oppress. Sing masamí ang mga ímol ginalimólimó sang mga manggaránon. Often the poor are harshly treated by the rich. Indì mo paglimólimohón ang ímo sologoón. Don't deal unjustly with your servant. (see pígus).
(Sp. limón) The lemon tree and its fruit.
(Sp. limosna) Alms, offering, gift, bounty, dole, gratuity; stipend for a Mass; funeral fee; to give an alms, etc. Ilimós sa makalolóoy nga táo iníng pisítas. Give the poor man this peseta. Límsi-or-limosí ang makilímos sing salapî. Give the beggar fifty centavos. Linímsan níya ang simbáhan sing napúlò ka mángmang. He made an offering of ten pesos to the church. Walâ pa silá paglímsi sang lángit sing mga bátà. They have not yet been blessed with children. Heaven has not yet granted them the gift of children. (see hátag, regálo, etc.).
(H) Forgetfulness, oblivion; to forget, cease to remember, be forgetful or oblivious of. Nagkalímot-or-nalímot akó sinâ. I have forgotten it. I don't recollect it. It has escaped my memory. Indì mo pagkalímtan iní. Do not forget this. Indì níla malímtan ang ginagíhan níla nga kalisúd. They will be unable to forget the troubles they have passed through. Básì kon limóton mo akó. Perhaps you will forget me, will not think of me any longer. Pinanglímot siá. He forgot himself. He lost his self-possession. (see lipát, lígà).
Pustule, rash, prickly heat. See líbtug, libutúg.
To move to and fro, pitch, rock, toss, roll like a boat, a cradle or the like; to halt, limp. Ginalímpa sang hángin ang sakayán. The wind is rocking the boat, making the boat roll. (see lúmpa).
Dim. and Freq. of límpa. Ang kángga nagalimpálímpa. The cart is jolting. (see lumpálúmpa).
A depression in the ground, etc. See alimpásong, libaóng.
See límpyo.
(Sp. limpia botas) Boot-black.
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