Dim. and Freq. of lingô-to glance aside, etc. (see lingîlíngì).
From língit-to borrow. Língton mo ang íya humáy. Borrow his rice (all his rice). Língtan mo siá sing humáy. Borrow some rice from him. Borrow some of his rice.
(Sp. lingueta) A small tongue; any tongue-like band or strap, any small narrow appendage; the reed of a harmonium.
Thousands, by the thousand. Mga liníbo ka táo ang nagtalámbong. Thousands of people were present. (líbo-thousand).
To move about in all directions, as crowds of people in a market, on a feast-day, etc. Nagalininggóhot gid lang ang mga táo sa atubángan sang simbáhan sa ádlaw sang piésta. The people are moving about in crowds or jostling each other in front of the church on the day of the Feast. (see linggóhot, sarumbálì, surumbálì).
See hínis-to rub, polish, etc.
(Sp. lino) Flax, linen, sail-cloth, canvas, mosquito-netting.
To shake, agitate (bottles, etc.). Linoá ang lubí kon láhin na úkon línghod pa. Shake the coconut to see whether it is ripe or not. Naglubúg ang sulúd siníng botílya, kay ginlinô níya. The contents of this bottle have become turbid, because he has shaken it. Linoí akó siníng mga ítlog kon maáyo úkon kanô. Shake these eggs for me to see whether they are (good) fresh or not.
An earthquake, earth-tremor, seismic disturbance; to quake; tremble, shake. Abáw, nagalínog-or-may línog. Why, there is an earthquake. Kagáb-i naglínog-or-may línog ang kalibútan. Last night there was an earthquake. Nalinógan (Nalíng-an) kamí dídto sa Manílà. We experienced an earthquake in Manila.
Foolish, stupid, absurd. Linóko nga hámbal, búhat, etc. Stupid talk, a foolish deed, etc. (lóko, binúang, tinónto, etc.).
Quietude, peace, tranquillity, calm, calmness; peaceful, tranquil, quiet, calm; to be, become or make calm, etc. Naglinóng na ang íla baláy. Their house is quiet now. Naglinóng na ang íla panimaláy. Their family-life is peaceful now. Linongá ang ínyo pagpuyô. Live quietly together i.e. don't quarrel or the like. Walâ pa maglinóng ang pagpuyô dídto, kay ang bolkán nagatúga pa kag nagapalínog. Life there has not yet become tranquil, because the volcano is active still and causes earthquakes. Ginalinongán gid akó siníng bánwa. This town appears to me to be very quiet, peaceful or tranquil. (see táwhay, dáit, húsay).
The leech. Pakádtan (Butangán) mo siá sing líntà. Put a leech on him. Apply a leech to him. (see alimátok-the mountain leech).
Full of leeches. Subâ, talámnan nga lintaán. A river or field, etc., full of, or containing, many leeches. (see lintaón).
Leech. See líntà.
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