Circumference, etc. See líkus.
A quick movement aside, a swift dodge; to turn or step aside swiftly, make a quick dodge, side-step, elude, evade. Walâ ko siá madakúp, kay nakalíksi siá. I could not catch him, for he succeeded in running off swiftly. Ginliksihán níya akó. He was too quick for me. Ilíksi ang láwas mo, agúd índì ka maígò sang bóla. Dodge quickly, lest the ball should hit you. (see págsi).
Concealment, hiding, secrecy; to hide, conceal, keep quiet about, screen, secrete, veil, disguise. Indì malikúm iníng búhat mo. This deed of yours cannot be concealed. Liníkman (linikumán) níya akó sinâ nga búhat. He hid or concealed that deed from me. Indì ka maglikúm sa íya sang kamatuóran siníng nagkahanabû (nahanabû). Do not conceal from him the truth of this event. Ilikúm lang sa íya ang ákon pagabút dirí. Simply keep him in the dark about my arrival here. Walâ sing likúm ang íya nga katuyoán. There is no secrecy about his intention or plan. (see lílong, tágò).
To surround, enclose, encircle, hem in. Likúpi sing síklat ang naidálum sang baláy. Surround with a bamboo partition the ground-floor of the house. Ang pamulákan nalíkup (nalikúpan) sing kodál. The garden is surrounded by a fence (has a fence round it, is enclosed within a fence). Ginlikúpan sang mga kaáway ang bánwa. The enemy beleaguered (surrounded) the town. Ilíkup iníng alámbre nga may dúgi sa áton pamulákan. Fence in our garden with this barbed wire. (see líbut).
Periphery, circumference; a scaly ring round the legs of some cocks. Ang íban nga mga sulúg may líkus, ang ibán walâ. Some cocks have a líkus, some have none.
Dim. and Freq. of líkwà. (see likbâlíkbà, sulî, balískad).
Dim. and Freq. of líkwat. (see ligwátlígwat).
(Sp. lila) The lilac shrub and its beautiful flowers; lilac colour, lilac-coloured, a blending of blue and pink. Ginbáklan níya ang íya nóbya sing isá ka térno nga líla líso (líla nga líso, líla nga lúgus). He bought for the bride a dress-suit of unfigured lilac.
Pickled or soused fish, fish preserved in brine; to souse or salt fish with the use of a little water. Lilánga ang tabyós. Salt the tabios-fish (with the use of a little water). May linílang kamó nga tabagák? Have you got any pickled tabagac-fish? (see binóro, binódo-fish preserved in salt alone without water).
(H) To strip, cut into small strips buri-leaves or the like, to shred. Lilása ang burí. Cut the buri-leaves into strips. Lilási akó sing burí. Make for me some strips from buri-leaves. Liláson mo ang burí sing magamáy. Divide the buri-leaves into small strips. Maglílas ka sang burí sing magamáy, kay himóon ko nga kálò. Make small strips of the buri-leaves, for I am going to make a hat of them. (see ríras).
(H) An instrument for cutting buri-leaves, etc., into strips for weaving purposes. (see lílas).
(H) Place were something is taken care of. Lilibángan sang mga kabatáan. Kinder-garten. Centre of puericulture. (see libáng).
(H) What is to--, can--, should--, be removed to some other site or place; transferable, transplantable. (see lígaw).
(H) Things that are forbidden, taboo, banned, prohibited, disallowed, not allowed, proscribed, inadvisable or to be avoided, interdicted, not sanctioned. (see lihî).
(H) What is to be--, should be--, can be--, avoided, avoidable, escapable. (see likáw).
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