To rot, spoil, etc. See gúnghaw id.
Stripped, scutched, torn, broken up (of hemp, etc.); old, torn, useless (of clothes, etc.).
To break hemp, scutch, to separate fibre by beating, tear in strips, strip. Guníta ang burí, magí, lánot, etc. Strip (or break) the buri-stalk, the agave (maguey), the hemp, etc. Guníti akó sing tátlo ka pakláng nga burí, kay idápat ko sa tambárà. Tear three buri-stalks in strips for me, as I am going to use them for the scaffolding. Igúnit akó ánay sing isá ka pakláng. Please tear a stalk into fibres for me. (see láknit, lúknit).
A small fish resembling the "balinô". Ang gunô, balinô, kag tabagák ginaasinán sing masúnsun kag ibulád. The gunô-, balinô-, and tabagák-fish are often salted and sun-dried.
Shears, a hoisting apparatus consisting of two or more poles tied together at the top from which depends the tackle. (see salagúnting).
Shears, a pair of scissors; to shear, clip, cut with a pair of scissors. Guntingá ang ákon bohók. Cut my hair with a pair of scissors. Guntingí ang ákon bohók. Trim my hair with a pair of scissors. Igúnting akó ánay sang búlbul siníng karnéro. Kindly clip the wool from this sheep. Kindly shear-, fleece-, this sheep. Guntingí si tótò. Cut the little boy's hair. Mapagúnting akó sa barbéro. I am going to the barber to have my hair cut, to have a hair-cut. Sa siníng mahábul nga gúnting índì ka makagúnting sing maáyo. With this blunt pair of scissors you cannot cut well. (see alót, bulúg).
To pull or draw out with a jerk, to jerk out, tug or tear at, extract, pluck-, pick-, wrench-, out. Gunúta ang pintál sa ganháan. Shoot back the door-bolt. Gunúti akó sang kapulúngan sa estánte, kay may kinahánglan akó sa madalî. Get me the dictionary from the book-stand, for I need it at once. Igúnut akó sang íkog sang haló sa búhò. Please pull the tail of the iguana that is in the hole. Indì akó makagúnut sang hunúshúnus sang aparadór, kay maáwot. I cannot pull out the drawer of the cupboard, for it is stuck fast. (see hábnus, húnus, tábnus, bíngkas, hosô).
Dim. and Freq. of gúnut. Also: A drawer (of a cupboard or the like). (see hunúshúnus).
See góod, góom, góop, góos, góot.
See gípak.
See gipák.
State of being dry and difficult to swallow, roughness; to be or become dry, etc. Also applied to roughness of skin or the like, but chiefly to food. Iníng pagkáon walâ sing gúphal (kagúphal). This food-is easy to swallow,-is not rough or difficult to swallow. Naggúphal iníng tinápay. This bread is dry and difficult to swallow. Kagúphal sang ímo pánit! How rough your skin is!
Crease, bend, fold, etc. See gípik, gímik. Gupía-gipíka, gimíka.
(B) To cut down, chop down, fell, lay low. Gupúda (-úra) ináng mga káhoy. Fell those trees. Gupúdi akó sing tátlo ka páyhod. Cut down for me three payhod-trees. Igúpud akó siníng páhò. Kindly cut down this mango-tree for me. Nagupúdan iníng talámnan sing tátlo ka dúldul. Three kapok-trees have been cut down in this field. Igúpud iníng wásay sa lubí. Use this axe for felling the coconut palm. (see pulúd, tapás, púkan).
Dim. and Freq. of gúpud.
See góra.
To grasp and tear out grass, hairs or the like, pull-, pluck-, weed-, out. A, karón gurabónon ko ang bohók mo. Ah, now I'll tear your hair out. Gingurábon níla ang hilamón sa hardín. They pulled up the grass in the garden. Gurabóni siá sing bohók. Pluck out a few of his hairs. Igurábon akó siníng mga gámhon. Please pull up these weeds for me. Ipagurábon sa mga bátà ang dalúkut. Let the boys weed out the dalukut-grass. (see guráput).
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