(Sp. procesión) Procession. Ang prosisyón magalíbut sa mga dálan nga ginaprosisyonán silíng sang kinabatásan. The procession will pass over the customary route. (see kátay).
(Sp. prueba) Proof, proof-sheet; to prove, try, put to the test, etc. See pórba.
Loafing, standing idle, standing about lazily or idly. The Freq. pamuágpuág is usually employed as a verb and the form puágpuág as an adjective or noun.
See puwákì-a fraction, etc.
To dispel, disperse, dissipate, dissolve, undo, scatter, blow off (away), to cause to be seen no longer. Ang ádlaw nagapúas sang mga gál-um. The sun is dispelling the clouds. Ang asó ginapúas sang hángin. The smoke is being blown away (off) by the wind. Napúas (Nagkapúas) na ang mga gál-um. The clouds are (were) dispelled.
Fast, fasting; to fast, be fasting, keep the fast. Magpuása kamó kag magpaúmud sa kárne sa mga Biérnes sang Kwarésma. Keep the fast and abstinence on the Fridays in Lent. Adlaw nga inogpuása. Day of fasting. (see ádlaw, nga, inogpaúmud, sa, kárne-a day of abstinence).
White, whitish, pale, pallid, wan, faded (of colours); to be or become pale, to pale, fade (said especially of colours that lose their brightness through the influence of sun-light, rain, etc.). Napúd-is (Nagkapúd-is) ang duág siníng baláy. The colour of this house has faded. (see púg-is, lubád, búdhaw, lús-aw, láspì, lúspad, lún-ad).
Dim. and Freq. of púdag. To shuffle or scrape the floor with the feet, stamp the feet, dance with rage (as done by an angry child). (see pusádpúsad, pundákpúndak).
The piece of wood or bamboo attached to the gíkos and góta and connecting the draught-animal with the plough, harrow, etc.; a small board worn on the back under the ropes in the primitive method of weaving by means of an ántip; to use such a board, etc. Magpúdan ka, agúd índì magsakít ang pudanán mo. Wear a board on your back, so that your spine may not be hurt. Pudáni siá. Put a board over her back. Provide her with a board for the back. (see upúdan id.).
That part of the back over which the púdan is worn, the back, the lower spine. (see likód).
From pulúd-to fell (a tree), etc.
To slip out or off, escape from a grip, etc. See pádlus, palús.
Thickset, stumpy, stubby, pudgy, etc. See póktol, búdul, karibudó, matipúngkò.
A pinch, as much as one can grasp between two or three fingers; a little, a small amount; to take up (eat) with the fingers, take up a pinch or very small amount. Isá ka púdyot nga kalámay. A little sugar. A pinch of sugar. Pudyotá lang ang kán-on. Eat the rice with the fingers. (see písì, kusî, kodót).
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