Dancing hall. See saotán.
To walk straight through (water, mire, slush), take a short cut, wade through water or mud, take the bee-line. Magsáuy lang kamó sa talámnan. Saúyon lang nínyo ang talámnan. Walk straight through the rice-field. Saúya lang ang pagtabók sa subâ. Walk (wade) straight through the river. (see láktud, latás, óbog).
To be or become disgusting, loathsome, cause a dislike, aversion or antipathy, be improper or unbecoming, especially applied to things exposed that should be covered or hidden from view. Nasaw-ahán akó sa íya. I have taken a dislike (an antipathy) to him. Magapasáw-a (mapasáw-a) sa táo ang pagílis mo sa nabúksan nga bintánà. It will be improper (It will look bad), if you change your clothes with open windows. Ginasaw-ahán siá sa pakigsímpon sa amó nga katipúnan, kay básì nabalahúbà na ang maláut níya nga binúhat. He was ashamed (He did not like) to join that party, for (as he thought) his wicked deed may have become known already. Nagkasáw-a (nasáw-a) siá sinâ. He dislikes that. He considers it improper or unbecoming. (see láw-ay, kasáw-a, masáw-a).
Wife, etc. See asáwa.
To hover between life and death, be on the point of dying. Ginasawâsawaán na si Fuláno. N.N. is at present hovering between life and death. (see tagumatáyon).
Brass, bronze.
To blame, scold, reprimand, chide, reproach, correct, admonish. Sawayá ang maláin níya nga batásan. Reprimand him for his bad conduct. Ginsawáy níya akó sang (sa) isá ka butáng nga walâ ko mabúhat (pagbuháta). He reproached me for a thing I had not done. Magsawáy ka sa íla kon may masawayán ikáw. Admonish them, if you think they need correction. (see bádlong, básol, túdlò, etc.).
To be or become unlucky, unfortunate, bad, wretched. Nagkasawî ang íya pagpuyô dídto. It was unfortunate for him to live there. Bisán kon magkasawî pa--. Even if it should be worse--.
Snare, trap; danger; to ensnare, entrap, entangle; to endanger. (see siód, síd-an, katalágman).
To go or step into water, mud, etc.; to dip or soak in. Nakasáwsaw akó sa lúnang (lalaó). I stepped into the mud. Indì ka magsáwsaw sang ímo kamót sa túbig. Don't dip your hand into the water. Isáwsaw mo ang tinápay sa sabáw. Dip the bread into the sauce. Ginsawsawán níla ang bíno sing mamón. They soaked some cakes in wine. (see sagáwsaw).
To go to or visit a place (by chance, unexpectedly, for the first time); to flit through, pass, enter, waft, be wafted (of a thought, wind, or the like). Natingála akó nga nakasáy-o ka dirí sa ámon. I am surprised to see you here. I am astonished that you have come to pay us this (first) visit. Isíkway mo sa gilayón ang panumdúman sa mga buyúng kon magsáy-o sa ímo hunâhúnà, kay nagapahádluk sa ímo. Forget (Dismiss from your mind the thought of) the robbers, because you are frightened when you think (are reminded) of them. Kon maghuyúp sing mabáskug ang hángin nagasáy-o dirí ang kahumút sang mga búlak gíkan sinâ nga pamulákan. When the wind blows strongly, the fragrance of the flowers is wafted over here from that garden.
(Sp. saya) A gown, robe, skirt with a train, skirt as worn with the so-called mestiza-dress.
(Sp. sayal) A skirt without a train.
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