The noise-, wash-, of rushing water, howling or shrieking of the wind, etc.; to make such a noise. Nagasagána ang túbig sang subâ, kay may bahâ. The water of the river rushes by tumultuously, for it is in flood. Abáw, nagasagána ang hángin! How fiercely the wind howls! (see hugánas).
To prevent, stop, forestall, keep off, stave off, forefend, fend off, ward off, parry a blow, hinder something from falling, etc. Sagangá ang íya binángon. Parry the blow from his bolo. Sagangá ang masakít, agúd índì matúmba. Save the sick man from falling to the ground. Ginsagáng níya sa ígò gid nga tión ang pagkahúlug sang bató. In the nick of time he kept the stone from falling. Isagáng sa túbig ang isá ka púnud. Stop the water by a dam. Keep the water back (Stem the water) by building a dyke.
(B) To look for, try to find, seek, go in search of, search for. Sagápa ang báboy nga nadúrà (nadúlà). Look for the lost pig. Anó ang ginaságap mo? What are you looking for? Sagápi akó ti ságing (sing ságing). Find some bananas for me. Nagaságap akó kang kálò ko, pay warâ ko makítà ásta tulád kadiá (kadyá). (Nagapangítà akó sang ákon kálò, ápang túbtub karón walâ ko makítà). I am looking for my hat, but can't find it. (see sághap, lághap, pangítà).
To meet, encounter, come together with, find. Dirâ masagapáhan mo ang madámù gid nga mga dumulóong nga naghalín sa nagakasarîsárì nga púngsud sang kalibútan. There you will meet many men (strangers) from the various nations of the world.
To overturn, overrun, come in contact with, sweep or trail over. Tulúka, ginasagápay ang mga búlak sang higót sang kánding. Look, the goat's tether is sweeping (trailing, dragging) over the flowers. (see hábay).
Rough, not smooth, uneven, not well planed, not well made or done, said of floors, furniture, etc. (see sagúpra id.).
To give a rough answer, to talk or answer back, retort. Indì ka magsagátsat (magsátsat) sa kay nánay. Indì mo pagsagatsatán (pagsatsatán) si nánay. Don't answer mother back. (see sátsat, panátsat, panagátsat, gasód, gásod).
To walk or step into something; to try, investigate, examine, go deep into a matter, to sound. Sagawsawá kon saráng kaw makahurám ti (kang) kwárta na. (Sagawsawá (Tilawí) kon saráng ka makahulám sang íya kwárta). Sound him as to whether you can borrow-his money,-money from him (of him). (see sáwsaw, tiláw, túdag, usísà).
(B) To invite to partake of a meal, offer a seat at table for the purpose of taking food. Sagdahá tána nga maígmà man rúgya. (Agdahá siá nga manyága dirí). Offer him a seat at the dining table. Kang pagabút ko rúgto ginságda nánda akó sa ihápon (nyápon). (Sang pagabút ko dídto ginágda níla akó sa panihápon). When I arrived there they invited me to have supper with them. (see ágda).
For sagádan, sagáran from ságad-to do customarily, etc.
To seek, look for. See ságap, lágap.
To glean, pick out, select, gather, cut the best ears with the rice cutter, collect the best or passable ears from a bad crop or from a crop spoilt by the action of birds, insects, etc. and leave the rest alone. Saghawá ang humáy. Gather the best rice-ears (and leave the rest in the field). Kúl-aw gid ang ámon pinatubás sa karón nga túig; sinaghawán lang námon ang ámon talámnan. This year we had a bad harvest; we just (picked out and) gathered the better ears from our rice-land (and left the rest as pasture for the cattle, etc.). Saghawá ang nabilín nga alányon. Gather what is left of the rice-crop. (see ág-ag, panálà, panagílò).
To rub against, touch, graze, etc. See sagáid, ság-id id.
To gather, collect, bring together, corner, take or buy all that is for sale. Buút siá magságib sang tanán nga mga talóng, maís, ítlog, manók, etc. He wants to get hold of all the eggplants, corn, eggs, chickens, etc. Sagíba lang ang tanán. Just take everything, gather or buy up everything. Sa pagtábon sang íya nga kinahánglan íya ginságib ang tanán níya nga kinitáan. To cover his needs he got together all he had earned, and spent it. (see típon, káka, hág-on, píndak).
A term used in wrestling, and said of two wrestlers that are simultaneously thrown on their backs, so that neither of them wins. Nagasagibangáy silá. They were both thrown on their backs at the same time. (see salagíbang).
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