Fibrous, referring to sagún-ot, having fibres, stringy.
In succession, without interruption, following one close on the other; to follow in quick succession, succeed without interruption. Ang amó nga palagwáon íla ginpagwâ sa tátlo ka gáb-i nga sagúnsun. That play was staged by them on three successive nights. Makátlo siá napilián nga sagúnsun sa pagkapangúlo-puód. Three times in succession he was chosen Provincial Governor. Nagsagúnsun gid lámang sa amó nga kátay ang ginatús nga mga áwto. In that parade there were hundreds of automobiles forming an uninterrupted (unbroken) line. (see sunúd, abútabút, abákabák).
A tree much used and esteemed on account of its valuable timber.
To save, rescue, deliver, take up, pick up (a drowning man, a person in misfortune, or the like). Sinagúp silá sa kalaláwran sang isá ka dakû nga sakayán. (Sinagúp sánda sa kalaláwdan kang sángka hánggud nga sakayán). They were picked up on the high seas by a large steamer. Sagupá siá sa túbig sa madalî, agúd nga índì malumús, kay índì siá makahibaló maglangóy; (Ságpa tána sa túbig ti madalî, agúd nga índì malumús, hay índì ra kamáan (makamáan) maglangóy). Take him out of the water at once, lest he should drown, for he does not know how to swim. Sín-o ang nagsagúp sa íya (kaná)? Who picked him up and took care of him? (see balótbot, luás, báwì, tábang, áyop, ayóp).
Rough, etc. See sagápra.
Awkwardness, inconvenience, unwieldiness (on account of being too long); to be or become too long for any given purpose. Ilámpus sa báboy iníng biníklan, kay ang bagát nagaságway (maságway). Throw this piece of wood (bamboo) at the pig, for the pole is too long (too unwieldy) for throwing. (see sábad, maságway).
Fine thin fibres resembling the threads of a spider's web, as occur in the centre of the stem of a banana-plant.
As well, equally, for the same reason, mostly used with pa. Nanáy, gintugútan mo ang maguláng nga manábad dídto, búsà tugúti man kamí, sáhì pa nga may lúyag man. (Nanáy, gintúgtan mo si mánong nga manábad rúgto, tî túgti man támon, sáhì pa nga may lúyag man). Mother, you gave permission to our eldest brother to go to the banquet, therefore allow us also to go, for we want just as much to be present. Pabákli man akó sing (ti) bág-o nga delárgo, sáhì pa nga mamiésta man akó (tákon). Have a new pair of trousers bought for me too, for the same reason that I too am going to assist at the feast. (see síhà id.).
Different, not equal, not the same; to become different, etc. Nagsahî ang íla mga batásan. Their manners became different from each other.
Difference. Walâ sing sahián iníng duhá ka butáng. These two things are equal, there is no difference between these two things.
Rest, remnant, etc. See salín.
Liking, relish for, enjoyment, zest; to like, be pleased with, enjoy, delight in. Makasahô akó siníng páhò, sang íya batásan, siníng duág, etc. I like this mango, his conduct, this colour, etc. Ginasahoán akó siníng mga puní. I am pleased with these decorations. Indì akó makasahô sang sabór siníng búnga. I don't like the taste of this fruit. Walâ sa íya sing makasahô. No one likes him. Indì akó makasahô sa íya. I do not like him. Si Pédro ang íya sahô, si Hosé ang ákon sahô. He likes Peter, I like José. (see úyon, wíli, lúyag).
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