Stockade, palisade, barrier or enclosure, often surrounding a whole village, especially in the mountains, as a protection against thieves and robbers; wall, defence, rampart, fortification. (see korál, kodál, palamakurán, padér).
A kind of plant. (kalyákay id.).
(Sp. taller) Workshop, laboratory, factory; studio, office, atelier. (see buluhatán, sululátan, palangabudláyan).
Sweetness, delightfulness, deliciousness; to sweeten, to be, become or make sweet, delightful, sugary, honeyed. Nagtám-is na iníng búnga. This fruit has become sweet. Natam-isán akó sang íya nga hámbal. I found his talk very pleasant. He talked to me very pleasantly. Tam-isá (Patam-isá) ang mamón. Make the cake sweet. Sweeten the cake. Ginpatám-is níya ang ámon pangabúdlay sang manámit (masádya, makawiwíli) nga sugilánon. He sweetened our labour by pleasant talk. Malisúd ang pangabúhì nga waláy katam-isán. Life without joy is difficult to bear. Ginapakatám-is níya iní. He considers this delicious, delightful, glorious. He enjoys it, he gloats over it. (see hinám-is, panám-is, rímis).
Excessive, overmuch, very, too much, too many, redundant, super-abundant, inordinate, superfluous, exorbitant; to do to excess, to overdo a thing. Nagakáon siá sing támà. He is eating too much. Natám-an siá sang káon. He ate too much. Támà kamahál iní (siní). This is too dear. Ginpatám-an níya ang karabáw sang dáro. He overworked the buffalo at ploughing. Támà kalayô sang (ang) ámon naláktan (laláktan). We have walked (have to walk) very far. (see lakás, lám-ag, súkò, dúro, masyádo, túman, kaáyo).
Laziness, indolence, idleness, sluggishness, remissness, sloth; to be or become lazy, slow, slothful, idle, remiss, indolent, sluggish. Ginatamáran níya ang (trabáho) pangabúdlay. He is too lazy to work. Indì mo pagtamáran ang pagsímba. Don't be too lazy to go to church. (see amád, tásmad, ligóy, búndul).
The white of the finger-nails, or the like; hangnail, agnail, corn, sore finger or toe-nail. (dotôldôtol).
Dim. and Freq. of támad, tamád.
A kind of rice dish.
Liking, intention, etc. See gáman.
Lazy, indolent, idle, slack, remiss, slothful, sluggish; not-inclined,-minded,-disposed,-in the vein,-in the humour, averse to; to be disinclined, etc. Ginatamarán akó magkáon, maglakát, magpanahî, etc. I am not in an eating mood, I am averse to walking on foot, I am not in the humour to do any sewing, etc. (see támad).
A kind of fish (that is often kept in fish-ponds along the beach).
A kind of boil or tumour, so called because of the belief that the tamások-worm is the cause of it.
The caterpillar of a moth. It is very injurious to plants, often causing great havoc in rice fields. Also used as a verb. Humáy nga tinamások. Rice attacked by-, infested with-, tamások.
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