See tamáo.
To despise, contemn, scorn, disdain, slight, look down upon, scout, flout, scoff at, have or show contempt for. Tamáya ang amó nga búhat (binuhátan). Despise such conduct (doings). Nagtámay siá sa ákon. Gintámay níya akó. He despised me. He treated me with contempt. Dílì mo pagtamáyon ang mga láygay sang ímo ginikánan. Don't scorn the advice of your parents. (see ahígahíg, pahámak, híkay, múlay, yagutâ, ulígyat).
Dim. and Freq. of támay. Ginatamáytámay gid lang siá níla. They-think very little of him,-treat him with scant consideration,-despise or ignore him. (see tamítámi).
A gratuity, an addition, a "baker's dozen", something that is not charged for, given free or without charge, thrown in, for luck, to the good, an added gift. Patámba is mostly used for the verb-to add, superadd, give a little gratis or without charge over what is required by contract or in justice. Patambahí sing diótay ang ísdà nga ákon binakál. Add a little extra to the fish I have bought. Ipatámba iníng diótay nga maís sa humáy nga íya gindaláwat. Add this little corn for luck to the rice he has bought. (see áman, támban, dúgang, tubúng).
To plash, splash, strike or dash about the water (as in swimming); to beat or strike the water with the hands, with a stick, or the like, in order to scare and drive the fish into a trap.
Dim. and Freq. of támba. Nagatinambátámba ang mga bátà sa línaw. The boys are dashing about in the quiet sheet of water (pool, lake).
To intervene, mediate, arbitrate, act as a peacemaker; to separate-, pacify-, quarrellers or fighters, to prevent or stop a fight, or the like. Tambagí silá, agúd nga índì magdáyon ang íla pagináway. Separate (calm, pacify) them, lest their fighting should continue. Waláy sapayán sang pagtámbag sa íya sang íya mga kasúbung dinámhag níya si Fuláno kag binanál (ibanál) sa kalóg. Notwithstanding the intervention of his companions he fell upon N.N. and threw him into the ditch. Daw sa dílì na matambagán inâ nga gamó. It is now well-nigh impossible to settle that riot (affair, tumult) by peaceful means. (see patáwhay, pugúng, sagáng, tápnà, puút, pasilabút, kapánkápan).
Plaster, medicinal leaves, poultice, unguent, ointment, salve, or the like as a remedy for a wound, boil, swelling, etc. or to relieve an ache. May támbal (inogtámbal, talámbal) ikáw nga maáyo sa síkmat? Have you got a good remedy for back-ache? Tambalí ang íya ólo sing búyò. Apply búyò-leaves to his head (forehead, brow). Itámbal sa íya hubág iníng mga dáhon. Put these leaves on his swelling (boil). Tinambalán níla ang íya hubág kag nagbúswang kag nagáyo sa walâ gid madúgay. They put a plaster on his boil and within a short time it broke open and healed. Ipatámbal ang íya pilás sa médiko (manugbúlung). Have his wound seen to by a doctor. Get a doctor to treat his wound. Indì siá magpatámbal. He does not want to be treated with plasters, etc. (see hámpul, háplas).
Scaffold, scaffolding, a temporary structure for supporting workmen and materials in building; to make-, build-, furnish with-, a scaffold, to scaffold. Magtambálà kamó ánay kag ugáling magpatíndog sang halígi. Put up a scaffold first and then set up the post. Tambalái ang baláy kag pintahán (mo). Put a scaffold (Put scaffolding) round the house and paint it. Anó ang itambálà mo, káhoy ukón kawáyan? What kind of material will you use for the scaffold, wood or bamboo? Nakadúpyas siá sa tambálà, nahúlug kag napatáy. He slipped (made a false step) on the scaffold, fell down and died. (tambárà id.).
A kind of lizard living in the open and somewhat resembling a gecko in size. It is not poisonous, but its bite is very painful. (tambilihán id.).
Sardine; a kind of fish; a kind of sea-shell.
(B) Scaffolding, etc. See támbálà.
A kind of snail whose shell is used for making lime for betelnut chewing. (see tibótíbo).
A kind of fish. See tamásak.
(B) See talambáyaw, tarambáyaw.
(B) A raised level space, floor or platform as an adjunct to a house or kitchen, a terrace, kitchen balcony. (see pántaw).
To be at the side of, be or place side by side, to adjoin, be adjacent. Nagatámbi ang íla dútà. Their lands-adjoin,-are next to each other,-are contiguous. Tambihí ang baláy mo sing kosína. Set up a kitchen at the side of your house. Itámbi iníng heneró sa kúmbung agúd nga maglápad. Join this piece of cloth to the curtain to make it wider.
Joined side to side, etc. See támbi, tambihádo, tambiádo.
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