Joined side to side, consisting of many pieces joined one to the side of the other.
See tambiádo, both from támbi with the Sp. suffix -ado.
Upside down, rolling over, to turn head over heels (heels over head) in falling down, to roll over, turn a somersault in falling down. Sang pagkahúlug níya nagtambiláng siá sa sangá sang káhoy. When he fell down he turned a somersault on the branch of the tree. (see tumbiláng,
A kind of (green) lizard. See tambalihán.
Cash, for cash, hard (ready) cash, cash-price, cash-purchase, money (or its equivalent) paid immediately (promptly) after a purchase; to pay cash, do business on a cash-basis, pay down, make a bargain on cash-payment, pay at once (promptly). Gintámbing níya ang báyad. He paid on the spot. Tinambingán níya akó dáyon sang íya mga binakál. He paid me at once for what he had bought. Támbing gid ang báyad sa ámon ginabaligyaán. Our shop is doing business on a strict cash-down basis. Kon índì ka makatámbing sang báyad, índì akó magbalígyà siní sa ímo. If you cannot pay cash at once I will not sell it to you. Magbáyad ka sing támbing, índì ka magútang. Pay at once, don't make debts. (see kábis, ímpas, túmbas-to settle in full).
A tree and its edible fruit.
Payment in full, settlement; to settle an account, discharge a debt, pay in full, square-, adjust-, a debt or claim; square, quit, quits, on even terms. Nakatámbis na silá sang íla útang sa kay Fuláno. They have now paid in full their debts to N.N. Tinambisán ko ang ákon útang sa íya kaína sang ága. I settled my account with him this morning. Támbis na silá. Now they are square, quits, on even terms again. (see kábis, túmbas, ímpas).
Sucker, offshoot (of a bamboo, etc.); a young bamboo. May támbò ang kawáyan. Ang kawáyan nagapanámbò. The bamboo has suckers. (see sáhà).
Fat, fatness, adipose tissue, any oily or greasy substance; to be or become fat, stout, plump, portly, obese. Indì akó kaúyon sang támbok sang báboy. I don't like pork fat. Nagakabúhì silá sa támbok sang dútà. They live on the fat (the best productions) of the earth (land). Nagtámbok siá dídto. He put on fat there. He grew fat there. Natambokán akó sa íya. He seems to me to be quite a portly man. Ang tínday nga pinatámbok. The fattened calf. Patamboká ang báka. Fatten the cow. Ang maís amó ang isá sang mga labíng maáyo nga inogpatámbok sang mga báboy. Corn is excellent for fattening pigs. (see matámbok, katámbok, tábnul, tibúnog, tíbsul, típsul).
Tambourine, drum; to beat a drum (as a sign to a band-to play up,-to play a piece of music). Tambolí (tokarí) nínyo ang mga kalasálon (kinasál). Play a piece of music for the couple to be married (for the newly married, new-married couple). (see tambór).
To be at, be present at, attend at, look on at, take part in, make one of (at). Nagtámbong siá kaína sang ága sa mísa. He was at mass this morning. Indì ka magtámbong sa mga kalingáwlingáwan nga dílì ángay. Indì mo pagtambongán ang mga kalingáwlingáwan nga dílì ángay. Don't take part in improper diversions. Nagtámbong sa ákon hunâhúnà nga--. The idea (thought) crossed my mind that--. Patambongá gid siá sa amó nga sinápul. Order him to come to that meeting without fail. Ang tanán nga mga nagpakatámbong--. All those that were actually present--. Ilisipón gid lang ang mga nagtalámbong. Only a few-were present,-attended,-took part. Indì akó makatámbong, kay--. I cannot be present, because--. Indì akó magtámbong. I won't come. I will not be one of the party. (see taroróng, tabongáw, solóng).
See tambarúkò-a kind of snail.
From tamúd-to look down upon; to observe, etc.
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