Talk, conversation, chat, gossip; to have a conversation, etc. (see sugilánon, hambalánon).
Chatterbox, prattler, braggart, boaster; to talk much, be very loquacious, boast, brag, vaunt, etc. Dílì ka maghámbog. Don't talk so much. (Don't brag). Ginhambogán akó níya sang íya pagkasampáton. He boasted to me of his accomplishments. Indì mo siá paghambogán, kay bátok sa íya ginháwa ang tanán nga hámbog. Don't boast to him, for boasting is his pet aversion. Anó na man ang ihámbog níya sa ámon? What next will he boast of to us?
To put-, place-, rest-, lay-, support-, one's arm upon. Hámbuy or maghámbuy ka sa ákon abága. Put your arm on my shoulder. Ihámbuy ang bútkon mo sa halambúyan sang síya. Rest your arm on the arm of the chair. Hinambuyán níya ang lamésa. He laid his arm on the table.
To strip small flowers or leaves off the stalk by passing them through the closed hand or fingers. Hamgurá (-udá) lang ang balúnggay, kay ilúnud ko sa tinóla. Strip the balunggay-leaves, for I am going to put them into the sauce (stew). Hamgurí akó sing dáhon sang gawáygáway. Strip me some gawáygáway-leaves. Ihámgud akó sing pilá ka búlak sang kadenadeamór. Please strip off for me some flowere of the cadena de amor.
To take hold of, grasp, seize, grab, clutch, usurp, annex, take possession of, encroach upon. Indì mo paghamhamón ang íya sang ibán. Don't lay your hands upon things belonging to others. Ginhamhamán níya ang talámnan ni Fuláno. He encroached on N.N.'s field. Ginpaísol níya ang kodál kag hinamhamán níya sing duhá ka bára ang ákon pamulákan. He moved the fence back and annexed two yards of my garden. (see sabán).
Any soft material used to sit or lie upon, as a cushion, hassock, bolster and the like.
To use or provide a soft support, to cushion, to pillow. Ginahámil níya ang ulúnan sa íya nga likód. He is using the pillow as a support for his back. Hamíli siá sing hábul sa likód. Have her back propped up by a blanket. Hamílan mo ang pulungkóan sing almoháda. Place a cushion on the seat. Hamílon ko lang iníng kógon. I'll use this cogon-grass as a soft support. Ginhámil níya ang ákon báyò. He used my jacket as a bolster. May hamíl kamó sa kátre? Have you anything to put on the bed as a mattress? Húo, ihámil mo lang iníng hábul. Yes, just use this blanket as a mattress. (see hampílò, ampílò).
To nurse, look after, attend to, take care of a child, a sick person and the like. Ginahamíl-ay níya si nánay. She is attending to mother. Hamil-ayá si tátay mo. Take care of your father. Ihamíl-ay akó siníng mga bátà. Please take care of these children for me. Maghamíl-ay ka sa masakít. Look after the sick person. (see tátap, sagúd).
(B) To put away, put by, secrete, stow away, hide, conceal, reserve, put out of sight. Hamnohá ang ákon líbro. Put my book away, hide it. Hamnohí akó sang ákon líbro. Hide my book for me. Ihámno mo akó sang ákon líbro. Kindly keep my book safe. May ginhámno kamó nga súd-an nga nabilin? Have you put by any side-dishes that remained over? (see tágò).
Spoilt, impure, tainted, defiled, tarnished, contaminated by touch, etc. Hamô nga pagkáon. Food made impure by having been touched by somebody. Hamô nga babáe. A woman that lost her honour.
To kiss, particularly said of kissing among near relatives. Si nánay naghamô sa ákon. Mother kissed me. Ginhamoán siá sang íya nga tíyà. His aunt gave him a kiss. Pahamoá si tátay. Let father kiss you. Ipahamô ang bátà sa íya nga tíyò. Hand the baby to uncle that he may give it a kiss. (see halúk, bísa, bisíto).
To soil, spoil, dirty, defile, tarnish, harm, contaminate (by touch or contact with), make impure, etc. as the food on a plate off which one has eaten. Indì mo paghamóon ang kán-on. Don't touch the rice. Ginhámò níya ang kán-on sa ákon pínggan. He touched the rice on my plate. Indì mo pagihámò ang ímo túdlò sa binahóg. Don't put your finger in the food (mixed on the plate). Iníng dalága nahámò na. This girl has lost her honour. (see hámlò).
To fold or roll up, make up in a bundle or roll (clothes, mats, etc.) Hamokóna ang ímo báyò, delárgo kag hábul. Roll up into a bundle your jacket, trousers and blanket. Hamokóni akó sang ákon patádyong. Fold up my skirt. Ihamókon mo akó ánay sang mga panápton nga nagakalábit sa díngding. Fold and roll up for me, please, the clothes hanging on the wall. (see balólon, bágtong, putús, baláhos, hápin).
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