To drill, train, exercise, practise, rehearse, habituate, become familiar with, familiarize, make used to, accustom, inure to, break in to. Hanása ang mga bátà sa pagsulát. Practise the children in writing. Ginhánas níya ang manók sa pagsámpok. He trained the cock for fighting. Hanási akó sang ákon karabáw sa pagdáro. Do me a favour and break in my buffallo to the plough. Kon mapísan ikáw maghánas sinâ maábtik ka sa dílì lang madúgay. If you practise that diligently you will soon become skilful at it. (see ánad, ságad, sáli, buyó, bánggad, balándra, gálit).
Dim. and Freq. of hánas. Kinahánglan nga gayúd nga hanáshanáson mo gid ang pagsulát, kon may hándum ikáw sa pagsulúd sa pagkamamantálà. It is indispensable for you to practise writing constantly, if you wish to enter the profession of a news-reporter.
Place for exercise, drill-hall, drilling-ground, field for practice.
Populous. See hanáo.
Wide, spacious, etc. See hanáhay.
Ready, predisposed, willing, fain to, minded to, inclined to, in the mood to, not loth to, nothing loth, prepared, in readiness, fit for immediate use or service; to make or get ready, etc. Hándà akó sa pagtúman sang kon anó ang igasógò mo. I am ready to do whatever you may command. Ihándà ang mga báso kag pínggan sa panyága. Get the glasses and plates ready for dinner. Handaí siá sing túbig, labadór kag tuálya. Prepare for him water, a wash-basin and a towel. Ginhándà níla ang tanán sa ígo kag napát-ud nga táknà. They had everything ready at the proper and appointed hour. Hándà ka balá sa pagbúhat sinâ? Are you willing to do that? Hándà siá sa tanán. He is ready or prepared for everything. (see hímos, tigána, áman, patigáyon, lísto).
To drive, urge on, impel, stimulate. Handahá ang karabáw sang bulunál. Urge on the buffalo with the whip. Ihánda sa mga kánding ang ímo bastón. Use your stick to set the goats in motion. Ginhánda níya ang mga báka. He drove the cattle onward. (see hála).
Dim. and Freq. of hándà. Ginahandáhándà na níla ang tanán nga kilinahanglánon sa ádlaw nga inogpakasál sang íla nga bátà. They are now preparing everything necessary for their daughter's (son's) wedding day.
To offer for sale, sell (second hand), put up for sale, look for a buyer, try to dispose of (jewelry, watches, pictures, furniture, etc.). Ihándal mo ang ímo mga arítos sa ahénsya. Offer your ear-rings to the pawnbroker. Ginhandalán níya akó sang íya réloh. He wanted me to buy his watch. Kon malúyag ka gid maghándal sang ímo pulséras, ihándal mo sa ígò kag matárung nga bilí. If you really wish to dispose of your bracelets, sell them at a fair and honest price. (see tányag, hángdal).
Dim. and Freq. of hándal. Nagahandálhándal síla sing mga pahumút, mga estámpa kag nagakasarî-sárì nga punípúni sa láwas. They are selling perfumes, pictures and various cosmetics. (see hangdálhángdal id.).
To lie upon, etc. See bángday, tángday.
To consent, etc. See hángdò, tángdò.
Steep, sheer, scarped, precipitous, almost vertical, upright, standing on end, abrupt; to be or make steep, etc. Hándog nga hágdan. A steep ladder or stair. Hándog nga bató. A precipitous rock. Pahandogá ang hágdan. Set up the ladder nearly upright. Ginában sang subâ ang bánglid kag ang pángpang naghándog. The river has washed away the incline and the bank has become sheer. (see tíndog, píl-as).
(H) Shadow, etc. See háron, lándong, lámbung.
Thought, desire, longing, expectation, looking forward to, wish; to think much about, desire, long for, want to, look forward to, cherish, be desirous of. Dakû ang íya hándum nga magtuón siá kag magálam. He has a great desire to study and become learned. May hándum ikáw nga magkúhà sing título? Have you in mind to get a title? Húo, dúgay na nga ginhándum ko inâ. Yes, I have cherished that thought for a long time. Ginahándum níya ang pagkádto sa Maníla. He wants to go to Manila. Handumá ang kalolô sang ímo nánay. Cherish the memory of your mother's kindness. (see dúmdum, painóíno, hunâ-húnà, himúlat, tigáy-tígay).
Remembrance, reminder, memento, memorial, souvenir, keepsake. (see halandumánan).
To spear, spit, lance, stick, harpoon, bore or thrush through, pierce or stab with a pointed weapon, perforate, put a spear through, etc.; overhand; to overhand (in sewing). Handusá ang haló sang matalíwis nga báhì. Pierce the iguana with the sharp-pointed dibble. Hinandusán sang isá ka bángkaw ang kílid ni Hesús. The side of Jesus was pierced by a lance. Ihándus ang ímo dága sa líog sang talunón. Thrust your dagger into the wild pig's throat. Ginhándus sang polís ang íya bángkaw sa báboy. The policeman put his lance through the pig. (see dulút, lápus, lapús, bunô).
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