(Sp. jamon) Ham.
Deep-, profound-, dead-, heavy-, sleep; sound or fast asleep, in a sound sleep, somnolent, lethargic. Hamóok gid ang ákon pagkatulúg kagáb-i. Last night I slept very well. Nahamoókan sía (sa katulúgon). He fell into a profound sleep. (see hamúok).
To run one's hand down the face as after a swim or bath. Ang bátà nga nagsálum naghamóy sang íya nawóng sang pagbútwa níya. The boy that dived into the water ran his hand over his face on coming to the surface. Ihamóy ang pólbos sa nawóng mo. Rub the powder over your face with your hand. Hamóyi ang nawóng sang bátà sing túbig, kay mahígko. Wash the baby's face with water, for it is dirty. (see lám-os, hilám-os, hunáw, hináw, húgas).
A very small fish. (see homóyhómoy).
Beating, thrashing, whacking, etc.; to beat, thrash, whack, drub, cane, strike, lash, flagellate, flog, whip, scourge, trounce, birch. Hampaká siá. Beat him. Whip him. Hampakí siá sa likód. Give him a flogging on his back. Hinámpak siá ni nánay níya. His mother gave him a beating. Ginhámpak ang Aton Ginúo sing mabangís sang mga mapíntas nga soldádo. The cruel soldiers scourged Our Lord severely. (see búnal, lámpus, lámba, bálbal).
Sport, play, frolic, recreation, game, gambling; to play, sport, frolic, romp, gamble. Hámpang-or-maghámpang kamó. Play. Diín kamí magahámpang? Where shall we play? Hampangí lang nínyo ang sagwâ. Just play in the drawing room. Hampangá ang kuríng. Play with the cat. Nagahámpang silá sang baráha. They are playing cards. They are gambling. Pahampangá lang ang mga bátà sa plása. Let the boys play on the public square. Daw hámpang gid lang iní sa ímo. This is mere play for you. This is very easy for you. Ginhámpang lang níya inâ. He just made sport of it. He made a joke of it. (see sipál).
Dim. and Freq. of hámpang. Nagahampánghámpang silá sang polítika. They are playing at politics.
A toy, plaything, gew-gaw, gimcrack.
Saddle-cloth, saddle-pad. Hinampilóan níya ang kabáyo. He saddled the horse. (see ampílò).
A healing ointment, unguent, salve, plaster, poultice, embrocation; to poultice, put on a plaster, salve, etc. Hampulí siá sing mga dáhon sang patáni. Apply patani-leaves to him. Hinampulán níya ang hubág sing aróma. He treated the boil with a plaster prepared from the aroma-plant. Ihámpul sa íya iníng búyò. Apply to him these buyo-leaves. (see támbal).
To pluck or tear off with some force, strip off leaves, flowers, etc. by passing them swiftly through the closed hand, wrench or drag off. Hamrusá ang dáhon sang balágon. Strip the leaves off the vine. Hamrusí akó sináng mga búlak. Pluck for me those flowers. Ginhámrus lang níya ang hilamón. He clutched the grass and tore it away. (see hámgud).
Firm, stable; level smooth; to be stable, level, etc. Hámtang na ang íla baláy. Their house is strong now. Hámtang ang salúg, plása, etc. The floor, public square, etc. is level. Hámtang na ang íla pagpuyô dídto. Now they are living there for good, permanently. Sa hámtang sang --. Instead of --. In place of --.
Full-grown, developed, strong, mature. Hámtong nga táo, háyup, etc. A mature, full-grown man, beast, etc. Sa amó nga pagpangabúdlay naghámtong ang íya láwas. In that laborious occupation his body developed to maturity.
Wet, damp, dank, moist. See hám-og.
To desalt, diminish-, counteract-, lessen-, moderate-, the salty taste of pickled meat or fish by adding gruel, porridge or the like; any substance used for the purpose of desalting, as ground corn, gruel, rice-porridge, etc. Hamulí (Hámli) ang inasinán nga kárne sing maís. Add some corn to the salt meat to make it palatable. Kon índì mo ánay paghamulán (paghámlan) iníng binóro, daw sa índì ka makaít-it. Unless you first mix something mild with this salt fish, you will scarcely be able to stand its sharp taste. Anó ang ihamúl mo sa ginamús? What will you add to the pickled fish (to counteract its briny taste)? (see halamúl, halámlan).
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