To be true, etc. See túud.
Dim. and Freq. of túod. Kon tuódtuóron inâ--. If that is true--. If that can be verified--. If it should prove to be true--. (see himatúod, kamatuóran, matúod).
From tupâ-to alight on, etc.
To alight-, fall-, drop-, come to rest-, on. Natúp-an (Natupaán) ang botílya sang bulutángan sang abó kag nabúung (nagkabúung). The ash-tray fell on the bottle and it (the bottle) was smashed.
(seldom tupád) To be at the side of, close by, near at hand, at one's elbow, in the immediate neighbourhood, be next neighbour to, to adjoin, be adjacent; to sit or stand side by side. Túpad ka sa íya. Tupári (-ádi) siá. Go (stand, sit) near him, close by him, at his side (elbow). Take your place close by him. Nagatuparáy (-páray) ang íla mga baláy. Their houses are next to (adjoining) each other. Ang tiénda kag ang ámon baláy nagatúpad. Ang tiénda (ámon baláy) nagatúpad sa ámon baláy (sa tiénda). Our house is near (adjoining, at the side of) the market place. Patúpad-to put or place side by side, etc.; to compare. Kon ipatúpad mo ang íya katarúngan sa íya ni Fuláno--. If you compare his argument (reasoning) with the argument put forth by N.N.--. (see íping, kílid, luyó, lapít, támbi, atúbang, támpad-to confront).
See tópo-to follow suit, etc.
Dim. and Freq. of túpo-to follow suit, do the same thing.
See tapúk-to be fragile, brittle, etc.
To fall, be wounded or killed in war, die in battle, or the like. Ang mga nagkalatupók kag nagkalapatáy sa latagón sang pagawáyan. Those that fell and died on the field of battle. Naígò siá sang lisó kag natupók (nagkatupók). The bullet hit him and he fell to the ground. (see túmba).
Dim. and Freq. of tupók-to fall, die in battle.
To include all, etc. See tóptop, tápud, kámpod, tipatíp.
Equal (of size, capacity, wealth, colour, strength, etc.). Tupúng gid ang íla nga duhá nga panuigón. They are both of the same age. Dílì tupúng iní sa isá. This is not equal to that other one.
To be equal to, to equal, to be neither superior nor inferior. Nagatúpung silá sa kataasón. They are equal in height. Nagatúpung gid ang íla nga palangakóan. Their authority or office is the same. They are equal in authority or office. Ang íya pagkamangin-alámon matupúngan áyhan, ápang daw sa índì malabawán. His learnedness can perhaps be matched, but scarcely surpassed.
(B) To suffer, stand, bear, have to, put up with, have to be content or satisfied with. Nagatupús lang kamí kang ginamús, hay warâ kamí ti ibakál kang ísdà nga láb-as. (Nagaagwánta lang kamí sang ginamús, kay walâ kamí sing ibakál sang láb-as (maáyo) nga ísdà). We have to eat salt fish, as we have no money to buy fresh fish. (see agwánta, batás, ántus, íro).
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